Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Cedar Rapids 2008 Flood

Hi all!

Just thought I'd post a few pictures my son sent of the Cedar Rapids flood. He worked in an office down-town--his department was given the evacuation order on Wed., June 11 and was relocated in the north part of the town--also where he lives. A train bridge collapsed with train cars on it and both hospitals were evacuated. Water output for the city has been reduced to 25% so residents have been asked to conserve water usage.

My son lives in the "river hills" on the north side of town--maybe you can look toward the north and see some of the higher ground on some of the photos. I have tried to attach some "evacuation/before" and "during/after" pictures for comparison.

Before the high water- (notice the skywalks!)

Downtown--nice tree-lined streets and fancy street lights.

Houses along I-380.

Looking north--I-380 going over the Cedar River. (Can you see the higher ground where my son lives and office was relocated?

(Later)--The skywalk on the right!

Notice the tops of the trees and the street lights?

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